I don't quite understand him. I mean, I hear people rhapsodize about what a great statesman he is and about all of his experience and yet I don't quite understand where he's made a significantly positive impact on our world.
The POW thing... Kudos to him (and the 600 other heroic POWs) for enduring that time and yet I don't consider this a presidential qualification. In fact, as a psychotherapist, I've worked with people who've experienced similarly bad things and I've got to say it doesn't do wonders for one's emotional stability. I wonder how his imprisonment and torture shape him today? Does he have residual and understandable PTSD effects?
Then there is the issue of his temperament in general. Long-standing stories and anecdotes about how volatile and reactive he has always been (even prior to his POW time). I'm uneasy that our president would be emotionally vulnerable like that when he is the one who has power over some serious kick ass, world destroying, weapons.
I admit I hadn't given much thought to McCain until he picked Palin. I figured, well, he's pretty old and doesn't represent my generation's concerns but I wasn't particularly worried about him maybe being president. Then he picked Palin...an impulsive, increasingly absurd, decision that could have serious consequences to the world as we know it. The woman is fluent in gibberish.
Then there's his recent decision to "suspend" his campaign so he could presumably help with the economic crisis. Though Fox News called this brilliant (Fox... fair and balanced? I mean, really, the rest of the Country said WTF...rightfully so. Stop the BS or stop calling yourself fair and balanced) the rest of us just thought he lost his mind or, more accurately, looked to avoid the debate and David Letterman. Then he does come to the debate, leaving us to wonder what, exactly, he possibly contributed to the "crisis" during his "suspension."
Now he has his campaign blaming Obama for McCain's own party voting down the bailout bill. How on earth could Obama have so influenced the Republicans to vote NO when Obama's own party (and I think Obama himself) largely voted YES? On what planet does that make sense?
These stunts are ridiculous, unwise, and impulsive. Do you really want a president who thinks (or doesn't think) like this? I hate to say it, but he just might be worse than GWB and Palin is--as one reporter brilliantly put it--"George Bush in drag."
The more I see McCain, the more I see a petulant little boy. The kind of little boy you dread to see on the playground because he's just sort of a sassy little sh*t. I know he isn't always like this (none of us are just one persona, right?) but he is like this when challenged. He is this smart-ass bully when people disagree with him or challenge his presumed authority... Unfortunately, this is a natural element of the job of President.
McCain takes his work personally. He takes dessenting views personally. He's snotty, rude, snide, impulsive and immature. He can rant all he wants about being a maverick and about jumping party lines, but he doesn't know how to play well with others in the sand pit. He can compair himself to a dozen dead presidents, but they never would have picked Mrs. Cotton-candy Brains as a running mate.
I hear the Right on their worries and beliefs. I know it's tempting to support McCain just because he's the one unfortunate choice on the Republican ticket. I was similarly tempted by John Kerry--a candidate I couldn't wrap my brain around because he was such an arrogant jerkwad but who was the only choice for folks who are of Democratic mind. It totally sucks to have such a poor choice for your party. Maybe you could all revolt? Demand another choice? Impeach McCain/Palin before they ever have the chance to destroy our country...?
But the thing is, with McCain/Palin, I don't believe we are safer. I don't believe they'll take the time and reflection to make good decisions. I don't believe a vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for stability...it's a crap shoot on two people who seem unable to "put country first."
If you were hiring a manager for your company and you wanted someone you could depend on, trust and who could inspire and motivate your staff... If you wanted someone who could partner with other organizations, customers, and vendors... Someone who had the "people-skills" to collaborate at all levels and manage divergent agendas... Someone intelligent; intellectually and emotionally... Would you hire McCain or Palin?