Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Let my ruminating begin...

So, blogging... Everyone's doing it. I mean, the Chief Meteorologist on Newschannel 8 does it. Who knew 'sunbreaks' could be blog worthy--but there it is and here I am.

I am one of those people who "should be writing"... you know, for money, but am instead a government employee doing a job largely unrelated to the masters degree I still owe oodles of money on. Of course, this means I need a distraction... something to fiddle with at work when I'm bored out of my mind.

Instead of writing for money, I'll be writing for amusement at taxpayer expense. Great. OK, OK, only on my breaks, Big Brother.

I write humor... well, I've written humor. I'd say about 8 humor columns total. I am not prolific, which is reason #1 why I am also not published. Reason #2 involves a lovely combination of lethargy and fear that outweigh my drive for marketing myself. Reason #3 would be my lack of ability to commit to a writing genre...columns, articles...novels?

Perhaps the act of writing regularly and sharing it will kick my tail into writing professionally. Blog = Magic Wand?

Aside from my work, parenthood, wifely duties... my primary hobby is rumination. I should learn guitar, golf more, take up tatting... but I mostly spend my time in my head worrying about, well, everything. Friends' romances, my parents' disapproval, politics, past behavior, American Idol...all there, all the time... churning about like, uh, things that churn... maybe butter. Nah, too cliche.

My blog is the written manifestation of my ruminations... for better and worse. I hope good can come of it... for me, for you...for the universe, really.

I'm different now. I blog.


gary said...

Good luck with the blog. I blog mostly on lunch breaks at work myself, and sometimes I come up blank, but I enjoy blogging.

mln said...

Thanks Gary. I figure, whether it's profound thoughts on world peace (as if I have those) or wondering what kind of pie is in the breakroom; probably some amusement can be had by all.

Anonymous said...

ha. stomachs CHURN.

mln said...

excellent point Vance... excellent point.