But, that aside, does she have a point about anything? Probably.
She’s essentially pissed because she feels terrorists and those who cavort with them are perhaps getting off easier than they should. Maybe they are… I don’t know and I don’t care because really none of that matters.
The hell you say? Yes. It’s all crap. It isn’t like other terrorists look at the poor bastards at Gitmo and say, reasonably, “Gee, it looks like Saiib and Jsmahhlsammal are having a pretty rough time in that detention center. I would not like to have such a rough time myself, therefore I will cease my terrorist activities to prevent myself from a similar fate.” It doesn’t matter if they are tortured, punished, taunted, overfed, underfed… it will not change the detainees and it will not change the would-be terrorists. It also does not matter if we treat them well and give them all the creature comforts we can imagine. Nothing we do to them matters.
However, talking about what we do or don’t do…arguing about how we should or shouldn’t treat them… making a big deal out of them at all… That matters. Why? Because it makes us look very very stupid to the other countries. It looks like we can’t get our act together. We’ve become the trailer trash of the world…who yell and scream and blabbidy blab blab about all of our private business.
I don’t get why our politicians,
Case in point, the “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” theory. We can be pissed off, we can be scared, we can be determined, we can be buttheads… but we can keep all that to ourselves and strategically do what we need to do. Be cool like Fonzie.
But no, everyone goes on and on…blah blah blah axis of evil… blah blah blah war is bad… blah blah blah stay the course…blah blah blah it’s Bush’s fault… blah blah blah it’s gays… The rest of the world is looking at us shaking their collective heads… not because we have prisoners at Gitmo and not because we’re fighting in
Our government needs a Secretary of Marketing/PR and better get one soon. WWIII will be a war of public opinion…mark my words.
Ann Coulter makes me want to vomit. It continues to amaze me (or maybe it shouldn't) that people get PAID to bitch about the Other Guy ad nauseum rather than actually 1) work to change things or 2) actually devote some brain power to formulating solutions. She's a waste of energy, in my book.
Yeah... the sad thing is that sometimes she has a point but it gets lost in her over-the-top drivel and dung slinging...
I so enjoy a columnist who can opine and make me go, "hmmm... yeah, good point... I hadn't thought of it that way..."
Coulter rarely inspires this response.
I think columnists can be part of solutions--especially when good ideas/solutions are put forth or good questions are asked. Writing is a powerful tool... but so many would rather name-call and simplify than really dig deep. Oh well...
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