Monday, July 10, 2006

On Career Development and Destiny...

I’m a talented woman searching for a job title. Raised by a noble public servant and a fastidious housewife, who aspired for me to be a domestic deity with shiny sinks and a herd of angelic children, I had little encouragement for career. Yet, older, realized I’m not cut out for “housewife” (for me, this is the fastest way to crazy) and had this silly idea that my destiny lay in psychology. So I packed up my adjectives and headed to higher education and ultimately a masters in counseling—specifically marriage and family counseling. Neither of which, it turns out, particularly fulfill me.

I currently reside in the job comfort zone of public service. Don’t ask how I got here. Theoretically, it’s a noble career, but it’s not stimulating…and the organizational culture stinks like an incontinent grandpa on a summer’s day. Trust me; I know what those smell like. I’m a square peg amongst rhomboids… I’m wilting fast.

I have an excellent “transferable skill set” but my degree identifies me as a “counselor” and I’m not sure how to “transfer” myself into a new identity. Also, I confess, I’m not entirely sure what identity—if any—to choose. I’ve narrowed my array of options to 4 (well, 5 if you count being too chicken shit to leave one’s current job): Organizational Development Consultant, Communications/PR Person, Writer, or Community College Instructor. Admittedly, a few of those could combine into one diversified career.

However, I’m stymied by fears. Fear #1) I won’t like any career and will never be happy no matter what I do. Fear #2) Nobody will ever hire me to do anything outside of counseling/public services. Fear #3) Oh, man, lots of things…

So, I stand at a miserable crossroads, too afraid to stay put and too afraid to go forward. I mean to really go forward…not just speculate, dabble, throw out statements of intent.

Stay tuned for the metamorphosis.

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