Thursday, August 31, 2006

On Blog Readership and "Hello Out There!"...

I’m wondering if anybody reads my blogs… you know, other than my husband and friends who are simply blog victims; commissioned into service by guilt. It is pleasurable to write them, but more pleasurable to write them for an audience…however captive.

I know one person, Anonymous, read one of them because he/she kindly left a comment. Got so riled up that Anonymous couldn’t restrain his/herself and purged a reprimand. Initially, I felt shame and then I thought, people actually read this?? And then I thought, who? How? Why? And… Cool.

So hey, if you are not my husband, family or close friends (and even if you are) and you like what you read, get torqued off by what you read, or simply have wisdom or observations to make—related or unrelated to anything you’ve read here—please feel free to comment. It’ll encourage me to be more prolific, knowing I’m not just writing to the vacuum of space and also help me focus on what works and what doesn’t.

Question for the day:

What makes a blog good?


mln said...

Thanks Jenna. It's cool that folks are out there reading these and they are not just offerings to the vacuum of space. :-)

ZenPanda said...

OK, I just discovered your blog. I intend to return frequently!

Anonymous said...

I have never understood blogging (I'm such a noob ;-) but I've somehow been captivated by your stories. I can't stop reading them... they are very good.