Wednesday, June 04, 2008

On Job Bliss and Global Cooling...

I have not blogged for some time. This is primarily due to the fact that I have changed jobs and actually have work to do that is enjoyable, engaging and not pointless and so, unlike my last job, I do not spend my work time (ah, lunches and breaks, Big Brother) blogging to escape the harsh realities of a truly terrible job.

Yes, I have a new job and no longer wish to fling myself off of a bridge. My soul is no longer eroding and I feel--maybe for the first time in my life--like I'm on "the trail of a true human being." (to paraphrase Dances with Wolves... I think and feel through movie quotes). But, oh, my last job... my last job was pure, unadulterated misery.

In my last job, I learned all about government waste. I learned that the most incompetent employees will be retained if they are union. I learned that salaried bosses (at least those who work for large, county agencies in cities associated with rain and roses) get paid for their whole day even if they only show up for 2 hours and spend the rest of the day at their kids' soccer games or in their private practice. I learned that in some work cultures, a normally great employee will shrivel up and die.

I don't regret it, though. If I hadn't endured 2.5 years of job hell, I wouldn't have the utmost appreciation for the job I have now or the wisdom to make my current work place great for others. Now I'm in a position to affect how other people feel about their work and I'm absolutely committed to doing what I can to help others do what they're good at and enjoy working. How cool is that?

For the first time in my life I can honestly utter the statement, "I can't complain," or "I have no complaints." No, wait, I take that back... If I have any complaint it's about the weather. It's @#%^*# cold here! Cold and rainy. And it's JUNE. All the hype about global warming and we here in, um, Wetland, are freezing our butts off. We've had one of the coldest and non-sunshiney springs I can remember, last summer was one of the coolest ever, and all I want is, So I don't believe in global warming. I'm even inclined to hope for it. There... I said it.

But otherwise, things are good. I'll be looking for blogging opportunities on my spare time. I just know there are ironic, stupid, absurd, humorous things out there... if only I pay attention.

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